Absent Moments

Another month has passed in a whirlwind of absent moments. To where I feel the only mark of time is how often I refill my pill sorting box. It’s Wednesday again, another week gone, in cycle over and over again and it’s a month, it’s a quarter of the year, it’s four years altogether. TheContinue reading “Absent Moments”


“It is a mourning, to be broken for one we love. And it doesn’t heal easily or quickly. I’m over three years now from walking away from who I thought was the love of my life and still not the same. It is unfair how we punish ourselves.” I wrote this today to my longestContinue reading “Punishment”

I Never Slept Well

Sincerely, I never have. Well, in the past year or so I have, better than ever in my life but that’s not the point. Neither is the fact I’ve finally found a medication balance that helps me sleep. Definitely not the point. The point is that I should have seen it sooner. I’ve had soContinue reading “I Never Slept Well”

Drum Waltz

I dance For my feet shall sing And move me along with the notes, Toeing the soil our mother holds me And the tree who has always reached for me Since I saw her Seems to also hold the stars in her hands. I move Without music playing all I can hear Are drums relegatingContinue reading “Drum Waltz”

Only My Eyes

The edge of you Brushed my skin so lightly It bowled me over Hair spinning a torrent a tumbleweed Wild as the gusts that roll it And just as prickly You gave me goosebumps I wasn’t ready for And whirling to catch my breath Dry eyes dusty white I stood in place rooted, Cuts stillContinue reading “Only My Eyes”

Transactional Relationships

There was something I read recently that had the opinion that men look at relationships differently than women. That men look at them as transactional, as that’s how society as a whole has trained them. That their partners exist more as meant to serve and give their bodies and constantly give of their time andContinue reading “Transactional Relationships”

When the Morning is Mine Alone

And alone is a blessing When sleep drops from my eyes and visions upon waking seem more real than the floor I walk on When the blanket is warm and pulls me stronger than the sun As she sneaks at my windowsill from miles away I see stars holding to the black skies Clouds areContinue reading “When the Morning is Mine Alone”

Drawing a circle

It’s so odd looking back now. Every relationship I’ve been in, how I thought I was a whole, interesting, solid person. Then years past I look back and see nothing but the scared girl I was. I grew up thinking I’d had an idyllic childhood. Who else’s parents bring her up on her grandparent’s airport?Continue reading “Drawing a circle”

“Nature never deceives us; it is always we who deceive ourselves.” – Jean-Jacques Rousseau “Merton writes of solitaries that we are ‘a mute witness, a secret and even invisible expression of love which takes the form of their own option for solitude in preference to the acceptance of social fictions.’ And what love are weContinue reading

Midnight Sky

The lyrics to this song speak out to me stronger than any song I’ve heard in a very long time. Perfect. Yeah, it’s been a long night and the mirror’s tellin’ me to go home (home)But it’s been a long time since I felt this good on my ownUh, lotta years went by with myContinue reading “Midnight Sky”