Absent Moments

Another month has passed in a whirlwind of absent moments. To where I feel the only mark of time is how often I refill my pill sorting box. It’s Wednesday again, another week gone, in cycle over and over again and it’s a month, it’s a quarter of the year, it’s four years altogether. TheContinue reading “Absent Moments”


Sitting thinking there was nothing to write about these days. And my mind is such a whirlwind that I can’t even remember who I’ve told about my dad and his brain surgery a few weeks ago. Have I even written about it here? That’s a later post if not. I woke on the day afterContinue reading “Sunday”

Transactional Relationships

There was something I read recently that had the opinion that men look at relationships differently than women. That men look at them as transactional, as that’s how society as a whole has trained them. That their partners exist more as meant to serve and give their bodies and constantly give of their time andContinue reading “Transactional Relationships”

For Pack

Last weekend was the second time our woodshop has vended at a big event, and absolutely exactly what was needed. Not for the money made, which was less than I anticipated, but for being surrounded by people I call home. Being a solo person by choice makes every human interaction quite interesting, and with anContinue reading “For Pack”

Midnight Sky

The lyrics to this song speak out to me stronger than any song I’ve heard in a very long time. Perfect. Yeah, it’s been a long night and the mirror’s tellin’ me to go home (home)But it’s been a long time since I felt this good on my ownUh, lotta years went by with myContinue reading “Midnight Sky”