Absent Moments

Another month has passed in a whirlwind of absent moments. To where I feel the only mark of time is how often I refill my pill sorting box. It’s Wednesday again, another week gone, in cycle over and over again and it’s a month, it’s a quarter of the year, it’s four years altogether. TheContinue reading “Absent Moments”


I walk to the trees, for they cannot walk to me. But in dreams they do. They come to me calling, whispering my name in the sighs of their branches, laughing trickling down to me through their leaves, for they are as happy to be known as I am. No one knows me as aContinue reading “Mourn”


Predictability is tiresome to me. I know that most creatures, humans as well, thrive on routines, but to me they’re maddening. I’m a morning person and love getting up with the sun, but as soon as the stretching is done I have to slip back into the usual every morning and it makes me wantContinue reading “Routine”

The love of my life

She was. So much of me still believes she is, and will always be. As much as I’m sobbing now missing her I was sobbing when I was with her. She really tried. She did. So hard. She gave herself as much as she could. I don’t blame her for the things she bore beforeContinue reading “The love of my life”